So, the eagle eyed among you would have seen in the footer of this website that it reads copyright since 2002. Well it’s true, I built my first website back in 2002 and you can view it here:
I built this website as I was starting my A-Levels, and really it was a backup option should I end up flunking my A-Levels and unable to get into a good University.
Fortunately for me, (and the small businesses around London) I passed my A-Levels so I never had to build another Flash infested website. Though to be fair, Flash was all the rage back in the early 2000s, there were even entire websites built on it!
Check out the WebCounter, to see the number of ‘visitors’ I had back then. (If it’s down then here’s a screenshot.)
Get it live
I had to make a few small modifications to the original code get it live.
- The orignal domain was www.todo-ic.co.uk but I’ve rehosted it on a new subdomain.
- Change the root file name from home.htm to index.html and all pages thereafter with .html in place of .htm
- Update the sidebar nav, on all pages, to point to the new file names for all pages.
- Removed the legacy GA code and replaced it with the sitewide GTM.
- Updated the MrButtercups link to point to new webspace.